Activity Hub

Places to find activities and experiences 

Activity Hub

Places to find activities and experiences 

ISR Connects – C3

Join in or volunteer with ISR Connects – C3. This program brings together older community members to make new friends, enjoy activities together, laugh, and learn. It links participants with trained volunteers within communities across Whidbey Island to reduce social isolation and increase access to services. 

Click here to learn more about ISR Connects – C3.

seniors paying a game

Activity Providers Directory

Island Senior Resources (ISR) maintains this directory of activity providers as a resource for the community.

  • The community providers listed have no affiliation with Island Senior Resources, therefore this agency is not responsible for their actions.
  • For your convenience some ISR activities are also included in the directory below. The activities and events we host can easily be viewed in our online calendar. Click here. 
  • Interested in having your organization listed as a provider? Send an email to
seniors riding bicycles
community meal site

Community Meals

A great way to meet new people will enjoying a delicious meal. Meals are available at various locations in Island County.

Coupeville Lunch and Learn logo

Coupeville Lunch and  Learns

Joins others at the Coupeville Senior Lunch & Learns. Enjoy a meal, conversation, and learn something new each week.

Wednesdays (except for holidays) 12:30 to 1:30pm.  Optional  lunch at 11:45

Coupeville United Methodist Church, Fellowship Hall

Game afternoon logo

Game Afternoon

Join others for games! Every second Wednesday of the month.  ISR Bayview every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 1pm to 3pm. 

Yard and Garden sign

Learn more about Gardening

Attend a class or workshop on gardening.  Some locations where these events occur:
LEs Move together class announcement

Let’s Move Together

An engaging exercise class for balance, strength, flexibility, and endurance. Wear comfortable clothes, good shoes, and bring water!

Classes 2nd and 4th Thursday at ISR Bayview 14594 SR 525, Langley 10:30 – 11:30 and 1st and 3rd Thursday at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 555 SE Regatta Dr. Oak Harbor 10-11.

Contact ISR for more information: 360-321-1600

senior striders outside

Senior Striders

Senior Striders meet every Thursday morning (about 9:00), regardless of the weather, to do hour-long hikes on Whidbey Island, usually somewhere between Clinton and Coupeville. Occasionally, the Striders will do “discovery” hikes to a different location. If you want to join the Senior Striders, call ISR at 360-321-1600.  Your contact information will be passed on to the hike coordinator, who sends weekly emails about the upcoming hike.
South Whidbey Parks and Rec logo

South Whidbey Parks and Recreation

Activities are available for both children and adults.  Depending on the season, activities include pickleball, volleyball, basketball, swimming and many more activities.  Click Learn More to find the latest activities and times.
Camano Center logo

Camano Center

Activities and meals for seniors and caregivers. 606 Arrowhead Road, Camano, WA 98282

Center in Oak Harbor logo

The Center in Oak Harbor

Provides programs, membership, travel, facility rentals, and more.
Sno Isle Libraries logo

Sno-Isle Library

You can check out a physical book or an eBook, a Discover Pass to visit state parks, a laptop and Wi-Fi hotspot, and access newspapers online
Soundview Cetner building

Soundview Center

Movement classes (some are free or low cost)

children doing artwork

South Whidbey Community Center

Recreation, art, education, and social services for all ages

Healing Circles logo

Healing Circles Langley

Connect, explore healing, and enjoy the wonderful benefits of community

hands in a circle forming a heart


Do you have free time that you’d like to spend volunteering? Some volunteer opportunities to explore:
Goosefoot logo


Art shows, music, street dances, business workshops, and more

Whidbey Arts and culture Calendar

Whidbey Arts Calendar

A community calendar where artists can post information about upcoming events. An easy way to find upcoming art focused activities occurring on Whidbey Island.
Whidbey Center for the Arts logo

Whidbey Island Center for the Arts

Langley Chamber logo

Langley Chamber of Commerce

Activity Books

Engage! Enjoy puzzles, word games, art, coloring, and other activities that will engage thinking, creativity, and fun! There are ‘easy’ and ‘challenging’ level books.  There is also a companion Caregiver Wellness Program Guide full of ideas for sharing these activities with someone you care for.

  • Click More under any month from the list below to see the books available for that month. 

November 2024


August 2024


September 2024


October 2024


July 2024


June 2024
