Our Resource Specialists provide information about programs, services, and resources to older adults, and those who care for them. We support the independence, dignity, and health of older adults and caregivers. Please call 360-321-1600 to schedule an appointment.
- All individuals are screened for eligibility and referred to appropriate services
- Free and confidential
- Services are currently provided by appointment.
Information we provide
- Assisted living and other supported living options
- Caregiver support, In-Home Care options
- Chore/housekeeping/home maintenance
- Meals
- Elder abuse
- Energy assistance/weatherization
- Hospice, respite resources
- Transportation services, Veterans resources
- Everyone is welcome.
Free, donations are appreciated.
Island Senior Resources contracts with The Northwest Regional Council to administer this WA State DSHS program.
- Whidbey Island residents contact us at. Request Help here or call 360-321-1600 to make an appointment.
- Camano residents call Northwest Regional Council (Skagit County office) at 360-428-1309
Laura’s savings were depleted while caring for her husband, and Social Security no longer covered her rent and food. She skipped meals to cover expenses until she met with our Resources and Coaching staff. We helped her apply for food benefits, receive Meals on Wheels, and obtain subsidies that waived her Medicare Part B and D premiums. Now she feels safe, eats well, and enjoys new friends thanks to ISR and people who care.
Family Caregiver Support Programs
Support, education, respite, and resources for unpaid caregivers in Island County.
Tailored Support for Older Adults (TSOA) Program
TSOA is designed to prromote independence and client choice, allow individuals to stay in their own homes longer, delay or prevent the need for Medicaid Long Term Care Services, provide the right service(s), at the right time, in the right setting, and support individuals and/or unpaid family caregivers.
Additional Information
- Alzheimer’s and Dementia
- Depression
- Taking Care of the Caregiver
- Caregiver Tips
- Helpful information on what you can do to prevent falls
- WhidbeyHealth Hospice
- Hospice of the Northwest
- Northwest Resource Council (NWRC) resources information
- Sharing Housing
- Find Your Way to Alcohol Treatment
- Rethinking Drinking | NIAAA (nih.gov)
- Falls Prevention