Update on Medicare Drug Plans for 2024

Medicare’s Open Enrollment is currently underway. If you have a drug plan, need one, or have/want a Medicare Advantage plan, now is the time to make sure your plan is the best one for 2024.

Why? Every drug plan and plan that has drugs in it has changed. Drugs have been added or dropped, premiums have changed, and drug co-pays have changed. Also, the rules affecting drug plans for 2024 have changed. Your current plan may still meet your needs, but it is more likely there is a better one out there.

First, if you currently have a plan, you should have received a mailing outlining the changes for 2024. You should review it. It will contain information about your current plan’s premium for next year, if the drugs you take are covered next year, and the co-pays.

Then SHIBA (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors) recommends you either make an in-person or phone appointment with our volunteers at ISR at 360-321-1600 or go to medicare.gov to see if there is a better plan for you for 2024.

Note:  SHIBA is a free program of the Office of the Insurance Commissioner.