Trudy Technology
Dear Trudy Technology,
I’ve finally gotten the hang of texting, but I keep getting messages with strings of letters that I don’t understand. My grandkids are tired of me asking them what they mean, can you help this grandpa get hip to the way kids talk these days?
Clueless on Camano
Dear Clueless,
IMHO (in my humble opinion), you are not alone in having a hard time keeping up with text abbreviations! TBH (to be honest), I have to look these up myself sometimes LOL (laugh out loud). The best thing to do is type the abbreviation you don’t understand into your favorite search engine to find out what it means. BTW (by the way), it’s great that you are connecting with your grandkids via text! LMK (let me know) how it goes!
TTYL (talk to you later),
Dear Trudy Technology,
How do I make Facebook video calls work? When my nephew visited last, he helped me set up a Facebook account and he mentioned that we could video chat using it, but didn’t show me how. I want to surprise him with a call on his birthday. Can you help?
Befuddled in Bayview
Dear Befuddled
I can definitely help you out! In an effort to be as user friendly as possible, Facebook has several tutorials and instructions on their website to help you navigate the entire platform, including video messaging on your computer, tablet, or phone. Visit and type your question into the search bar. You will have your answer in no time! Enjoy! And happy birthday to your nephew!