Our History
In 2017 “Senior Services of Island County” re-branded to “Island Senior Resources” to better represent its mission and express its dedication to being a centralized resource organization. Senior Services of Island County grew out of HELP, Inc., a 24-hour crisis line, organized in 1969. In 1975, programs serving seniors separated from HELP and became what was eventually named Senior Services of Island County. At that time, a survey revealed nutrition, home health assistance, health care cost control, and information and assistance referrals were the top needs of seniors and adults with disabilities on Whidbey Island. SSIC (then known as ESIC) defined its purpose to be: a planning body for the needs of seniors and adults with disabilities in Island County, to organize and maintain social service programs serving this population, and to receive and administer gifts and grants to carry out the mission of the organization.
Since that time, (50+ years) SSIC has served Island County seniors and adults with disabilities, their families, and caregivers, providing essential resources to meet their needs and help them to thrive.
Cooperative affiliations were created with the Oak Harbor Senior Center and the Camano Center. By basing staff and programs in those locations, the support services of Island Senior Resources can best serve all residents of Island County.
We are grateful to the many dedicated, visionary individuals who served on the Board, volunteered, raised funds, developed programs, and led the organization through its years of growth and refinement. Each of them has been vital in becoming who we are today.