Facilitated by Time Together Director Mel Watson. The program is designed to engage participants with discussions, group puzzles, and games in a friendly and supportive environment. This program is great for those who are isolated and have developmental disabilities or those with cognitive challenges who enjoy being with people and making friends.
Time Together@ Home is an online Zoom event. Does not occur on public holidays.
Time Together @ Home Zoom Support Group
Facilitated by Time Together Director Mel Watson. The program is designed to engage participants with discussions, group puzzles, and games in a friendly and supportive environment. This program is great for those who are isolated and have developmental disabilities or those with cognitive challenges who enjoy being with people and making friends.
Time Together@ Home is an online Zoom event. Does not occur on public holidays.
To register for Time Together @ Home click here to fill out the participation form or email mel@islandseniorservices.org for further information.
Once we receive your completed registration information, we will send you instructions for joining the weekly online events.
Langley, WA 98260 United States