If you are going on Medicare in the next six months and/or are wanting to know more about Medicare, attend a free General Information seminar offered by SHIBA (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors) volunteers; no pre-registration required. Counselors will answer brief questions following the seminars. Seminars run 2-2.5 hours. For more information, call: 360-321-1600 ext 0.
Tues. January 21, 1 p.m. Oak Harbor Senior Center 51 SE Jerome St. Oak Harbor
Information will be provided on:
“Basic” Medicare benefits
Changes for 2020
Options for additional insurance(s)
Medicare parts A and B
The differences between “Medigap” (supplemental) insurance and Advantage plans
Benefits and rates
Prescription drug plans. (If you want help with your drug plan, bring a detailed list of your drugs).
The Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) offers unbiased, confidential advising for Medicare benefits and insurance options.
Individual Consultations: For more in-depth information about Medicare options, advisors are available for 1:1 consultation at:
o Oak Harbor Senior Center: 51 SE Jerome St., Oak Harbor Tuesdays Call to schedule an appointment: 360-279-4580
o WhidbeyHealth Medical Center: 101 N Main Street, Coupeville Wednesdays Call to schedule an appointment: 360-678-5151
o Island Senior Resources (Bayview): 14594 SR 525, Langley Fridays Call to schedule an appointment: 360-321-1600, ext 0
Note: SHIBA volunteers work under the guidance of the Insurance Commissioner’s Office.
Location – Oak Harbor
Medicare 2020
If you are going on Medicare in the next six months and/or are wanting to know more about Medicare, attend a free General Information seminar offered by SHIBA (Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors) volunteers; no pre-registration required. Counselors will answer brief questions following the seminars. Seminars run 2-2.5 hours. For more information, call: 360-321-1600 ext 0.
Tues. January 21, 1 p.m.
Oak Harbor Senior Center
51 SE Jerome St.
Oak Harbor
Information will be provided on:
The Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) offers unbiased, confidential advising for Medicare benefits and insurance options.
Individual Consultations:
For more in-depth information about Medicare options, advisors are available for 1:1 consultation at:
o Oak Harbor Senior Center: 51 SE Jerome St., Oak Harbor
Tuesdays Call to schedule an appointment: 360-279-4580
o WhidbeyHealth Medical Center: 101 N Main Street, Coupeville
Wednesdays Call to schedule an appointment: 360-678-5151
o Island Senior Resources (Bayview): 14594 SR 525, Langley
Fridays Call to schedule an appointment: 360-321-1600, ext 0
Note: SHIBA volunteers work under the guidance of the Insurance Commissioner’s Office.
Oak Harbor, WA 98277 United States + Google Map